CfA Author Query Form

This form allows you to retrieve a list of publications in the ADS with your name as one of the authors. You can use this form to tag your plublications as belonging to the CfA group. For an explanation of the motivation behind this effort, please read this help page created by the Department.

Enter Author Name (Lastname, FI):

Select Database:

Your email address to send verification of the submitted list:

The publication date range (leave end year blank to match current year):
Start year: End year:
Select/deselect publications (prefix '-' deselects journal, '+' adds journal to output):

Returns only new records entered since this entry date:
Year:    Month:    Day:   

If simply entering your last name and first initial in the input search box above generates too many entries, you may want to enable an Exact Author Match by checking the button below. In this case, you should first verify what all of the different spellings of your first, last, and middle name are in the list of your publications (the ADS exact author query form allows you to do just that). Once you have determined such a list of spellings, you should enter them in the search box above separating them by semicolons. For example:

Smith, Peter; Smith, Peter L.; Smith, P. L.; Smith, P.
If you choose to enable this feature, please make sure that the generated list contains all of your papers given the more restrictive matching of author names under these circumstances. In most cases it is better and safer to leave this option disabled.

Enable Exact Author match.

Once you have located and checked the box next to all of your papers in ADS from the list returned by this query please email the list to the Publications Department by clicking on the Email References button at the bottom of the list page.

Important: if the resulting list is not complete, please use this Abstract Submission Form to submit any missing references to the ADS. By using this particular submission form you will ensure that your entry will be automatically added to the CfA group without any further action on your part. Please note that any publication by a member of the CfA as a co-author will be included in the ADS. If it is not clear what database to select for the article, please leave Astronomy checked. The ADS staff will determine whether this needs to be changed.